Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tis the Season

Thanks to the generosity of my parents we were lucky enough to get see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. The trip was a stunning success and aside from a minor miscalculation in direction went off with out a hitch.

I was actually glad that the weather had turned a little colder. I wanted to be bundled up in heavy coats and hats and gloves. I think it adds to the spirit of the whole thing. As it turned out it, was just cold enough to achieve the effect I wanted and not cold enough to be uncomfortable.

The city was packed with holiday tourists and shoppers. The crowds were so thick by Rockefeller Plaza that you had to wait on line just to peer over the edge to see the skating rink.

Morgan and Connor (the ham)....

the Coach store window....

Skating Rink at Rockefeller Plaza...

Crowd inside Radio City...
The Christmas show was excellent and the kids were pretty awe struck by the grandeur that is Radio City Music Hall. The only down side to the show was all the misanthropes using their flashes on their cameras. Although they were instructed not to do so by a pre-show announcement they fired away throughout the entire show. I hesitated to even use the word camera in this case. Most people were using their cell phones. At one point it looked as if we were in the middle of a lightning storm with all the flashes going off. I could see some of the peoples screens on the back of the cameras/phones and 99% of the pictures they took were of the well illuminated head of the person in front of them. Do they really think that tiny flash is going to light up an entire stage the size of Radio City. Silly people.
Nancy waits for and $8 cup of wine...

the show...more show...
Toy Soldiers.....

Inside St. Patricks...

by the rink in Rockefeller Plaza....

All in all we had a great time and even saw "The Naked Cowboy" as we drove through Times Square, which Morgan promptly decided was in her words "inappropriate".
Naked Cowboy...

Thanks to Nancy and her impeccable navigating, we whisked into and out of the city with the precision of a Special Forces team on a covert mission.

Picture Gallery >>www.tjarmstrong.com

On a sad note.....

We lost a family pet today. Abigail the hamster passed away after providing the family with two years of love and companionship. Morgan took it very well. She had been preparing for the inevitable lately. We knew that hamsters only live about two years and Abigail "Ham Lam Sam" was approaching, if not past here second birthday.

We will miss you Abigail and we'll always love you.