Sunday, November 12, 2006

Reno Part II

OK so now I’m in Reno and this is Nevada where you can gamble anywhere you want and smoke anywhere you want. The first thing you’d expect to see is a slot machine right. Sorry my world traveler friend, it was an iPod vending machine. A what? Yep, an iPod vending machine, where you can insert two hundred to three hundred dollars of your hard earned, or hard won dollars, in a machine and take home or on the plane a shiny new iPod. I wondered to myself what good it would do you to buy one before you got on a plane? It would not be charged and it would not have any content on it. After I get over that shock then I see the slot machines. I realized we weren’t in Kansas anymore or New Jersey for that matter.

iPod vending machine

After clearing up a little confusion with the rental car we are desperately were seeking some lunch. We head for the nearest semi fast food place we can find, which turns out to be TGIFridays. Which is ok because the have beer, which makes my Polish friend feel better. We order lunch and a drink and wait and wait and wait and wait. The waitress (aptly named) then informed us that the computers were down and they had to enter our orders by hand and that it would be a little longer……. The computers were down? What the Fu Fu F u uFu u c…..What do they have to do, download the recipe for a cheeseburger? Fries? Come on …..Anyhow.

Then it was off to our intended target. A Mom & Pop business that my company just bought. I not sure, that, had my bosses really looked deeply into this company, they would have bought it or burned it. Let’s put it this way, they are not building the International Space Station or the Hubble Space telescope but I found 30,000 drawings on there network! And I use the term network loosely. One woman actually used GoToMyPC to access files right there in the office. I will spare you all the technical details but it was nightmare of Homeric proportions.

Our hotel.......just kidding...actually Reno's first TV radio repair shop.

The company we bought.........just kidding

The Atlantis Hotel Casino and Spa

After we discovered what faced us the rest of the week we decide it’s time to check in to our hotel. Which by the way is a spa and a casino and very tacky and very smoke filled. Even though I had a smoke free room, the stale smell of cigarettes still waffeded up the elevator shafts and permeated the room. I did not gamble very much. As an Armstrong I have learned that our luck does not show it self at the tables. More often it shows it’s self in the company we keep and the relationships we forge.

The rest of the week proves to be fruitful. We slog through all there files and manage to glean the information we need. By week’s end I am exhausted and almost ten pounds heavier. I can not eat out three meals a day. I simply do not have the discipline to have just a salad or just some fish when needed. Especially when you’re at Outback and the guy from corporate, turns out to be Ex-Army and it’s two for one drink night. My boss even asked me if he was going to have to carry me back to the hotel. To which I replied that I turned pro at age 15 and that, “if your going to drink like a sailor your going to get up and go to work the next day like one too”. I think he felt a strange sense of relief.

That pretty much sums up my trip. Hey, I know it wasn’t China, or India like some of my contemporaries have so courteously reminded me that they go on real business trips, but it was my first and probably my last. I am sure I will remember some little snippet that I have forgotten about the trip and maybe it will be enough for it’s own post. We’ll see.

All the pictures are here:

there not much but they are all I have......




Anonymous said...

Yeah- i'm not getting the i-pod machine either- i think its intended for people whose pockets are way too heavy to just get on a plane and it's perfectly placed for an impulse buy. And next to an ATM? Nice touch.
So the polock was regular sized? Cuz i thought maybe you could get a mini one to help you with your bags?

tjarmstrong said...

He was actually a regular size polock but he came with extra questions.