Friday, October 27, 2006

Infrequent Flyer
Belmar Beach, Spring 2006

This Monday I embark on my first ever business trip. I am going out to Reno, Nevada. The company I work for now ( has purchased another company and I have to go out there to ensure the smooth transfer of all their engineering data back to here in NJ. Sounds important doesn’t it? The company being purchased is a small one and their assembly procedure for their equipment is kept in form of hand done drawings, notes and kept in the heads of people that do the assembling. Since none of the folks that work there are coming here I have to glean this information by what ever means necessary. Thanks goodness President Bush has signed a bill allowing for tougher interrogation tactics. I’ll get these people to talk.

Being the infrequent flyer that I am, I figured I better read up on some of the latest travel restrictions and procedures. So I punch the Transportation Security Administration web site ( ) to get the latest info. Everyone has heard about the liquids & gels ban on the news, and I wanted to make sure it was ok to board an aircraft “gelin” as TV commercial for Dr. Scholls says. Well it turns out that you are not allowed to board an aircraft gelin. Ok so we scrap the gel filled insoles. At this point I figure I better check the rest of the list.

Who knew….

They really have to publish a list like this? Could there really be a person on this planet with an IQ above a cucumber that thinks some of this stuff is ok to bring on a plane? The following list is only a snippet for the whole list which is actually quite funny go here.

TSA Prohibited List

What do you mean I can’t bring fireworks onboard a plane? How ‘bout my cattle prod? I can think of nothing more fun than juicing some jackass who is blocking the aisle with one of these 9,000 volt babies. I can’t bring tear gas on a plane? WTF? They have removed all the fun of traveling. You can bring your brass knuckles but only in your checked baggage, not in your carry on. I thought brass knuckles were illegal anyhow? Most martial arts weapons are not allowed onboard either. Nunchkus, throwing stars, black jacks? Who travels with a black jack? I prefer a sock full of dimes anyhow!

Gasoline…. Hmmm…..Gasoline…. ? ……..nuf said

Axes, Guns, Flares ? I don’t know about you but these are a few of my favorite things. How am I going to motivate that lazy flight attendant to bring me another bloody mary with out having my “Starter Pistol” . Nothin’ says get up and go like the pop from one these little gems.

Anyway…. I will let you know who the trip/flight went when I get back. Or maybe I’ll have a special “Form the road” report for ya’..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummmm...can you please explain why that particular cattle prod is for Commercial Truckers?
Is that what they use now instead of meth? Or is that for the truck-stop hookers?
OK I don't want to know.
Have fun on the trip and I would love to see a Reno-Blog entry!!