Monday, October 23, 2006

Fall Colors....

Good morning, afternoon, or evening dear reader. As you can see or will notice I have wiped clean my entire blog. It did not take that much effort, but it was a rather difficult decision. The reason I purged the entire thing was, I got paranoid.

You see, I was laid off again in May of this year and had to embark on the dreaded job search yet once again. Being the up to date trendy sort, I read and article or two about today's job market, and the do's and don'ts of being hired in these very competitive times. The articles focused on how people, that were more than qualified for jobs, did not get them because of questionable content in their blogs. Particularly discontent at work style stuff.

Initially I left the blog alone, with all of it's work place/boss/co-worker bashing, I figured no one would ever find it and put 2+2 together and figure out it was me. After a couple months of no interviews or even call backs, the paranoia set in.

I meant every word I said in the old blog and every word of it was true, but I have many mouths to feed and I could not let anything stand in the way of landing a new job. Anyway..... So call me a yellow journalist or a wuss or any other derogatory emasculating word you can think of but, I did it. I'm not proud of it. But it's over and that’s that.

Now you are asking your self: What's to become of the blog? Where am supposed to go, to get a semi regular dose of sharp tongued cynicism and cringe inducing wit? Well stay tuned faithful friend I am sure that something will get under my skin and need to get out. More than likely I will use as a platform for what ever I damn well please. Maybe even some enlightenment about today’s world and the times we live in, all with the extra shake of the hot sauce bottle that is the mind of me.


Anonymous said...

Yippee! Bring back the blog!
Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

...uh....still waiting....